Friday, July 18, 2008

My Barbie Dream House Part 2

Well at this point it would seem as if the Barbie Dream House will remain just that, an unobtainable (at this moment) dream house. Unfortunately in this crappy housing market it is a viscious cycle. The mortgage companies and banks own all of these houses that they want to unload, but the same mortgage companies and banks have no money to loan out to anyone who wants to buy the houses. FRUSTRATING! We even offered to switch houses with is nice, move in ready house for your trashed house that needs a lot of work, but to no avail. It is really too bad, even if I could just fix it up and sell it, I would be happy with that. But both EO and I agree that we don't want to put our house on the market. Having two kids that need their naps and realtors calling to show the house just seems like a nightmare to me! I get exhausted just thinking about it. And who knows how long it might take to sell our house, we are NOT willing to lose any money on it, because, in reality we don't have to move! And of course, there is always the possibility that our house would finally sell, but the Barbie Dream House would already be under contract with someone else and then we would be homeless, again... EXHAUSTING to even think about considering what happened the last time we sold our house with nowhere to go (see
Don't think I have given up completely though, as this is the second time I have had to say good-bye to this house...I am confident that the third time will be the charm! For those of you who know me, you know that I am always trying to work some angle, finagle some way and don't give up very easily. Here is to Barbie Dream House Part Three, whenever that may happen.

On a side note and follow up to my offer to make out with VH...I am serious about that offer. Alex came to my house yesterday to clean...SHE CLEANED OUT MY FIREPLACE! I can't believe it. Of course it is the middle of summer, and no, we have not used it in months. I was trying to figure out when EO could have done that without me noticing. He said he had nothing to do with it and Alex must have done it. That is unreal to me...I love her, I sent her home with a cucumber from the garden (a requirement if you come to my door). She even folds my toilet paper into a little triangle like at a hotel. What more could I ask for?

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