Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Top 10 Favorite Things Today

1. Amoxicillin: The wonder drug that has so easily transformed my snotty and cranky 2 year old into a fun person to be around.
2. Step-ups and Lunges: Performed ALONE at the gym. Booty-burners, very rewarding.
3. Kiehl's Unusually Rich- But Not Greasy At All- Hand Cream: Comes with SPF10 which is good for these days in the garden.
4. Neopolitan Ice Cream Sandwiches: Because it is freakin' hot and I'm freakin' lactating.
5. California Couscous Salad: Uses cilantro from aforementioned garden and requires minimal use of the stove top which is key in these aforementioned weather conditions http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=1194611
6. $12.99 Inflatable Baby Pool: allows me to spend 10-15 minutes in the garden uninterrupted.
7. Multigrain Cheerios: In the purple box (obviously marketed towards the feminine persuasion, as noted by my husband). Whatever, they taste damn good.
8. Brunch out with ladies for upcoming babies. Whatever will we do when we stop breeding????
9. http://www.instructables.com/ Nothing more than a total time sink, but the geek in me can't stay away.
10. Retreats to a certain someone's beach house where, while our young-uns frolic in the water, we clink our beer bottles at 11:30 am on a Monday and remember that these are the payback stay-at-home-mom days for all those 'other days'.


JO said...

I LOVE instructables.com! I always forget about it when I do a search, but it is always the most useful link that comes up!

Gibsey said...