Thursday, January 28, 2010

Crazy Month

It is remarkable to me that Christmas was just barely over a month ago.  And my internet is finally consistently on.  Doesn't take much rain for cable to go out - last week was a long frustrating week, internet wise.  We have been busy this past month!
  • Moved the kids into one room
  • Created sewing room (not quite done-have to finish kitchen before I can finish sewing room as we are currently storing our kitchen on the shelves I will be using in the garage)
  • Had Christmas
  • Had New Years
  • Snow trip
  • Began Kitchen redo
  • Kitchen redo set-back (cry)
  • Kitchen redo progress (pictures coming soon)
  • and one month went by
February consists of much travel.  Before we know it it is going to be summer time.  I need to get my garden in, but I just might run out of steam if we keep this pace up!


tj said...

Please let me know how you get all this done. Does V still have naps? I am in the process of gearing up for Harvest and all I can think of is what colour to paint my house (interior) what curtain fabric I want/ need extra furniture and when should I start all this remodelling and why would I want to start this when Dan is absent for the next 3 months. I think I need some advice for the specialist!!!! Plus def want to see photos soon. Love you

tj said...

Oh I just re-read my comment. Wouldn't it be great if he was only away for 3 months (ending in April) unfortunately that's just when things really get going. Miss you.

JO said...

In all honesty, I don't know. V is still taking naps, but S is not. This is E's time of yeasr for projects around the house, so I guess that is how. But we hired the kitchen work out. We are just responsible for the painting of the cabinets!

JO said...

And for the record, you climbed a MOUNTAIN!!!