Thursday, April 30, 2009

Still Not Done

So, I jumped in with both feet. Into a Do-It-Yourself project. While my husband was on a sales trip for a week. I will post some before and after pictures for you soon (not quite in the after yet, still trying to finish some things up). I will also post the list of everything I did, on my own, without my husband even knowing what I was doing!! I am very happy with the results so far.

But today, I am making dinner for my friend (and fellow poster on this blog, Erin) who just had her second baby girl on Monday. I am making the Chicken and Dumplings from Smitten Kitchen (love her!) and starting on the Cinnamon Rolls from Pioneer Woman. I have checked out the Pioneer Woman occassionally. Lately though, I have been diving deeper into her site and she has a lot of great stuff. I am pretty excited about this recipe because it makes SO MUCH!! Which means there will be plenty for the new family and for this family!


JO said...

I will also be taking some to the neighbors! Wow!

tj said...

I'm intrigued as to what the home project was. Looking forward to seeing you.

JO said...

Hopefully I will get it posted today!